Climate Change: we need to act now

Real Climate Solutions is a course of six short films created by climate mitigation researchers at the University of Cambridge to help you start your journey to zero emissions. Our approach is:

Universal: Our content is free for anyone to access and share

Accessible: You don’t need expertise or technical knowledge

Realistic: The solutions we lay out do not rely on fantasy technologies

Optimistic: We believe that everyone’s actions matter

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About Us
Tick Zero was founded by Professor Julian Allwood and Fran O'Neill Sergent, and is part of a resear...
Please read our reports on our research project website, UK FIRES Graphs, data and evidence F...
Key Actions and FAQs
Tick tock... short on time? These are the key facts you need. FAQs Key Actions

Tick Zero emissions

years until 2050
% of energy will be renewable electricity
% of today's energy will be available
% reduction in energy use required

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